Acupressure points in our body


Now a days, most of the people have a hectic lifestyle with tight schedules, back to back meetings and deadlines often leads to stress, annoying pains and aches in bodies of people. They think that the most easy way to get relief for this pain is to take a pain killer but, most of the people do not think about the side effects that these pain killers can cause in the future.
Drugs can give temporary alleviation to the body, however old treatments like Acupressure reinforces the body from the center by animating certain delicate regions to give long haul alleviation from sicknesses and pain. Drugs can give temporary alleviation to the body, however old treatments like Acupressure reinforces the body from the center by animating certain delicate regions to give long term alleviation from sicknesses and pain. 

Head ache, back pain, shoulder pain are the most common pains in people in present times and the majority of the population suffers from any one of these pains. It is in every case better to look for long term solution for any sickness, regardless of whether it's a minor one since it helps in mending the body from inside. This can be accomplished distinctly by receiving a characteristic mending process like Acupressure that resuscitates the whole body and aides in relieving ailments and intense pains.


This one of the most widely recognized at this point threatening issues that we all have endured sooner or later of time. In spite of the fact that, much of the time, migraines are gentle and vanish all alone with time, yet in specific cases it can unleash ruin on our wellbeing and call for clinical consideration. The most widely recognized kind of head ache is known as 'strain migraine' that are brought about by stress, pressure and weakness.
The Acupressure treatment of head ache consists of four main points-
Point 1–This point lies in the tissue between the thumb and the pointer.

Chest pain point 1

Point 2–This point lies in the skin between the second and the third toes.

Acupressure point for headache

Point 3–This point is situated at the external tip of the eyebrow.

Point near eyebrow

Point 4–This point is found one thumb-width over the midpoint of the eyebrow.

point above eyebrow

Neck Pain: 

The neck is one of the most unpredictable pieces of the body that comprises of bones, muscles, nerves, joints and tendons and it holds the head on the body, which weighs right around 5 kilograms. Neck pain may emerge from the strain and pressure that we face while delivering our everyday exercises like perusing or sitting in front of the TV is an off-base position, dealing with the PC for extended periods of time, nodding off in an awkward stance, sprain during exercise. Neck torment is regularly connected with solidness and touchiness of the neck and trouble in turning it, yet with the assistance of Acupressure, it is conceivable to dispose of it in a viable and characteristic manner.

The Acupressure treatment of neck pain consists of  five points-

Point 1–This point lies on the external outskirt of the lower arms, 2 finger-widths over the wrist joint.

wrist point
Point 2–This point lies in the tissue between the thumb and the pointer.

 Chest pain point 1
Point 3–This point lies in the skin between the second and the third toes.

Acupressure point for headache
Point 4–This point lies on the wrist joint, in a shallow sorrow between the closures of the two lower arm bones. 

point on wrist
Point 5–On bowing the head forward, two vertebrae stand apart unmistakably on the neck. This point is situated between these 2 vertebrae.

Sunstroke Point 5

Shoulder Pain: 

Being one of the most portable joints of the body, the shoulder is regularly inclined to injury and torment. Larger part of the shoulder issues emerge from irritation of ligaments, shoulder insecurity, joint inflammation and solidified shoulder.

The Acupressure treatment of shoulder pain consists of five points-
Point 1–This point lies in the substance between the thumb and the forefinger. 

Chest pain point 1
Point 2-If the arm is twisted at right edge, a vertical score structure is formed at the end of the shoulder. The point lies at the focal point of this groove.

point on arm
Point 3–This point lies in the skin between the second and the third toes. 

Acupressure point for headache
Point 4–This point lies on the back surface of the shoulder, one thumb width over the finish of the arm pit. 

Shoulder Well
Point 5–There is a sharp bone at the rear of the shoulder.

Heavenly Pillar

Back Pain: 

Most of the current day populace undergo structure back agony in view of our inactive way of life and work area driven work culture, where we barely get a chance to move about and fix our spine.

The Acupressure treatment of back pain consists of four points-
Point 1–This point lies on the back, legitimately inverse to the navel. 

point on back

Point 2–This point lies 2 thumb-widths vertically underneath. 

point on lower back

Point 3–This point lies at the focal point of the wrinkle underneath the butt cheek. 

Point 4–This point lies at the focal point of the wrinkle at the rear of the knee joint.point on back of leg


Decreases Headaches and Migraines.
Improves Chronic Pain, Including for the Back, Neck, Knee or Arthritis Pain.
Helps Treat Insomnia.
Improves Cancer and Chemotherapy Recovery.
Assists with forestalling Cognitive Decline.


  1. I really like to read about the pressure points and this was the simple and detailed thing i have ever read๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ GREAT ONE !!


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